Friday 31 October 2008

No money so what next?

Got the news today that the funding we were hoping for has gone to others because there were so many people competing for one small pot. Disappointing is one way of putting it and leaves the project in a strange place.

Was going to do it before any possible money came up and question now is can I do it without the money. My gut feeling is a great big yes! But not on the same scale. Still automata, still driven by bikes it just how big do we make them and who is involved. Keep you posted!

Saturday 11 October 2008

Pedal Art

As the same time as building venues out of recycled scrap - see the Tin Can Globe - we are also embarking on a completely non - theatrical programme of building sculptures out of recycled bikes. These will start at Museum In The Park, Stroud in January. Could be a busy time as we are building the Globe around the same time. Again waiting for funding info but the whole project is pretty damn exciting working with an architect and a wildlife artists to hopefully create scultpures which will tour and contain much crazy stuff. John